Contacts, Works & Publishers
New editions of 30 organ works by Åberg spanning his entire composing career
Editor Carson Cooman (also an organist who has specialized in performing contemporary music) and composer Thomas Åberg have collaborated on entirely new editions of 30 organ works by Åberg spanning his entire composing career. These new editions are optimized for ease of playing: larger print size, easy page turns whenever possible, and many notation clarifications.
Complete chronological list of works
Work list sorted by instruments
To buy sheet music:
Svensk Musik – Swedish Music Information Centre
Link to complete alphabetical work list
Complete alphabetical work list including sheet music samples to the works published by Svensk Musik. When you use their archives, remember the Swedish alphabet: … w x y z å ä ö = Åberg comes after Z
Box 17092
104 62 Stockholm
Customer service: Pekka Mäenpää
T: +46 (0)8 783 8923
Publisher #2:
Noteria-Norbergs Musikförlag
Link to Åberg’s work list at Noteria
Helge Björns väg
590 32 Klockrike
Customer service:
T: +46 (0)13 391356
Publisher #3:
Norsk Musikforlag A/S
Nordic Journey Volume III (Sheet music)

Works by Tore Bjørn Larsen, Lise Dynnesen, Peter Hilli, Frithjof Spalder, Fredrik Sixten, Sigurður Sævarsson. Jón Leifs, Björn Steinar Sólbergsson, Kjell Mørk Karlsen, Markus Malmgren and Thomas Åberg (Toccata No. 13 & Toccata No. 19).
Selected CD:s with Åberg’s music

Music for St. Francis Day – ”Weisflog’s Dog”

Music for sleepless nights

Social media
Contact the composer by email